Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Bermuda cruise

As we pulled out of Boston harbor, the band started playing OLE OLE, OLE OLE.  Now I would sing that for you but they tell me I can't sing.  Although I  sounded really good after a Pina Colada.  OLE !!!  

Bermuda was founded and claimed for England by a ship wrecked, Sir George Somers in 1609.   It is 21 miles by 1 mile and its highest point is 259 feet and a population of 65-70 thousand. 

     Our destination was St. George.  This is a laid back town with narrow, winding streets with names like Old Maid's Lane and Featherbed Alley.   It's by no means a flat island, the golf course being a killer.   But before I get ahead of myself, lets see what I can remember we did before we arrived on Tuesday noon.  

Sunday,  after a mandatory emergency lifeboat drill, the fun began with a Happy 4th of July Sailaway Party, with a calypso band a a special drink called  "Bon Voyage".   I would run out of space here if I tried to list all the activities for the day and evening.   I must tell you at dinner Sunday night, I had the best chilled Georgia Peach with pecans soup.  If anyone has the recipe, I would love to have it. Well, I have to run now, I will fill in the blanks next time.  Stay well.


Anonymous said...

A few Pina Coladas and everyone sounds good!!!! LOL.  Sounds like you are having a really fun time.

Enjoy yourselves.

Anonymous said...

oh dawn - you are making me miss my cruise already - i want to go! bermuda is beautiful - have a great time!