Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm Back !!


Boy, It's been a while!!   Time flies when you are having fun, so someone said!
I hope you are all enjoying the new year.  I personally was glad to see it end.  I still miss reading " Lahoma 's
Laments"    She is in my thoughts daily. And the other blow was of course Kim of   " I shaved my legs for this?"  Two unforgettable J-Land  ladies
Last month was my fourth year journaling.  Again, times fly.
I should fill you in from what is going on with us lately. We arrived in Zephyrhills, FL, where we were planning on staying the winter in our motor home.   Soon after that we just happened to see a park model that came up for sale. And before we knew it we were buying it.  From that time to know we have been making it our own.  Shopping, shopping, shopping, what can a girl do?     Someone has to take this on, and I'm up for the job.   A friend, Mary,  I met here made all the curtains, I just wasn't fast enough for her, such a twit, but what a dear.
The house still needs a few decorative touches, but I'll know them when I find them.
We have also been busy learning to play bocci , playing cards with friends.  And speaking of friends, all they do here is entertain and eat.  My diet is shot to you know where.  Bob is golf a couple of days a week, he's a happy camper, unless he has a bad golf score!  We are volunteering with a few activities and we and my friend Mary have started a cribbage night at the club house.  The managers of the park Marla and Don have also been great friends to us and made us feel very welcome.  The people we have become involved with are all from Penn and are "Steeler" fans.  So when the Pats were playing the Steelers they all came here to watch the game on our new large flat TV.  This was the only input I had from Bob when buying furniture, just like a guy!!  I was glad the Pats won as we were out numbered by 12.    
Well I'll get back this weekend and tell you more of what we are up to.   Here are a few pics of the new winter hideaway.  Have a great week-end.  love to all.    Gosh it feels good to be back!   


Anonymous said...

It is so nice to hear from you! I love the new place. It looks so cozy!!! Have fun shopping. Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!  Sounds like you have been busy, but I believe it has been worth it.  Love the new place, so does this maky you "part time nomads?".


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Dawn, and enjoy your time in Florida

Anonymous said...

Hi, its so nice to hear from you again you have been really busy it will be nice for you to have a bit more room for all your shopping.  Love Joan

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you two nomads are hanging up your travel pants?  Is this the new permanent digs, or is this just a winter roost and you'll still be RVing the rest of the year?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, its nice to have you back and I can see you have been busy, it all looks great.Seem your having quite a time in Florida, and settling in very well and having fun. Keep us posted

Take care


Anonymous said...

What a nice little place!  So you know have a 'home base'!!!  Good for you!  Congrats!  Yes... it was sad to lose those great journalers... Glad you are back though!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at you! I love the place. It's just great!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh I love the park model!  My inlaws had one in Winterhaven for years and then moved south to North Ft. Myers to a 'double wide' manufactured home.  (the terminology just cracks me up).  They eventually sold that and moved to a regular house way over in the hinterlands of Cape Coral where not too many people lived.  It's all built up now though.

I've just looked out the window and that very fine, soft snow has just started.  Gonna be a good one!