Monday, September 13, 2004


Tonighy we are in Lafayette, LA,    The campground brochere says "Laissez le bon temp rouler", Let the good times roll.  We are not planning on staying here to see anything roll, even good times.  Ivan is still on our path.  

 Tomorrow we will go into Texas, our adopted home.  We will sleep secure and safe tomorrow night and not worry about moving again.   

 Yesterday we took a ride to the Delphane Jubilee Festival.   It was an arts and crafts festival featuring a unique variety of more than 120 exhibitors from throughout the Southeast.  They also had a fine selection of southern food. In the center of town, in the park, people rested,  ate, socialized and enjoyed the coolness of the trees and listened to the entertainment.  Delphane seems to be  such a nice small community.  To get there on Rt. 98, we drove into the main street on a road about  a half a mile long at least.  All along there were large flags in the ground and yellow ribbons in-between them.  Lots of signs say "We support our troops."  Nice feeling to the town.  

Next we stopped at the Fairhope Municipal pier and watched fisherman netting a fish called mullet.  We were not familiar with this fish but were told they are not caught with a rod, only by netting.  They run in schools usually and when you get a hit, you usually get more than one.  There were three  fisherman trying their luck out today, and all were willing to tell us all about netting mullets.      Good day.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting out of the way of Ivan.  Besides you're having a great time along the way.  Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

succulent campground under attack from hurricanes wisdom...

glad to see you safe and sound...