Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kenz's Birthday

In case some of you readers may have forgotten, but we had our first grandchild born two years ago toay, after 51 years of marriage. You can just imagine our excitment. She is just beautiful, really. We don't get to see her very often as they live in another state. I've tried to get my son to add Skype to his computer so we could see how she is growing and she could become to know us. In cause you have not heard of Skype, it is a free service for video calls between users. I often can see friends in Ma. and LA. using Skype. It is really a great tool for families that are apart.
We sent our birthday girl a package for her birthday, but doubt that her mother will let us know that it was delivered. She does have many manners. Our son will call us. Since she was born we have been collecting $1.00 bills that have a K on them. I think this tell where the money was printed from. Anyway she all ready had over $1,ooo in her account.

This week has been a busy one for us. Monday we had volunteered to help with a breakfast at the club house, in the afternoon we went to a movie with friends, and at night I am chairman of cribbage nite. Tuesday didn't get much better.
In the morning we pick up a few prescriptions, went to the post office and then Bob had a doctors appointment in the afternoon. Bob has a Basal Cell Carcinoma on his check. He will have surgery on Feb. 7th. At night we had two other couples in for cards. Lets see, today is Wed. Talked to friends in Beverly, MA. this morning, they were getting buried in snow. A real nor-easter! I used to like them, no work, no school, everyone home. So Bob and I said we should have a snow day! This lasted about 5 hours and we were on the way out.
Guess that's about it for now. Hugs