Thursday, July 24, 2008

Going Home

Traveling home to Massachusetts
I don't know where the time has gone but I'll try to catch you up on our ride home.. While in Bald Ridge some friends of ours stopped in and we had a nice reunion dinner with them.  In fact they have decided to come to Florida for a month in February. 
After leaving Georgia we went to Indiana to see our youngest son.  We also went to see some very special friends of ours,  who we wintered with or eight years in Arizona, Pearl and Gus.
Continuing on to Maryland where we locked the keys in the car.  Thank you Good Sam emergency service, saved the day at no charge.
Next into Penn, where we made a stop at the Crayola Factory and found a Dunkin Donut store, our very favorite!   Right about now, we are getting itchy feet to get home.  We usually make this last jump in two hops, stopping in the Mohegan Sun Casino the last night, but today we did the full seven and a half hours straight through.  My  friend Carol didn't know we were coming in this week.  I owed her, she has surprised us more often than not.   She cried, I got even! LOL Took us 21 days to get there.   Talk about turtles.